This has been such a hectic 3 weeks! I still can’t believe that I have two children. AS is the usual, we had two weeks of nice peaceful newborn, and then Miles woke up… We have been experiencing the evening fussiness pretty much every day. It doesn’t seem as bad as it was with Lily, but it is still a little taxing. The good thing is that I know this period will end and that I know it’s not my fault he is crying. I can also appreciate that if he is fussing all evening that he will sleep during the night. Or that if he is fussing all morning before church, he will sleep at least during sacrament meeting. I have had very few moments this time around where I have gotten frantic or super stressed. And the few times I have usually involve both children needing things at the same time.
Miles seems to be very strong. He is great at lifting his head up when I am holding him to my chest. He likes to look around and he is very alert. He seems to be growing much faster then Lily as far as weight goes. He definitely is a little chunk! He prefers to be held up under his arms, like in the first picture below, or to lay across my knees on his stomach when he is fussy. And he definitely prefers daddy! Clark seems to have the magic touch when calming him down. It is a little frustrating that I can’t seem to do that, but I’m grateful that Clark can and that he is willing to do so. One other small issue is that Miles gets a little worked up when he is eating and tends to swallow a bunch of air, so he needs to stop quite a bit to burp. I don’t mind so much, I just hate how uncomfortable it makes him. I very much appreciate that he is sleeping relatively well at this point. He will usually wake up 2 or 3 times a night, but he falls right back asleep when he’s done eating, and that helps a lot! It’s the staying up for an hour+ in the middle of the night that kills you.
Lily LOVES to interact with him. She doesn’t seem jealous and likes to make sure I am taking care of him. She loves to grab his arm and make him “wave” to people, though usually that doesn’t make Miles very happy. She talks to him and thinks it is so funny if he makes a noise or burps. If he happens to swing his arm around and touch Lil she’ll happily giggle that he “got“ her. I am so happy that she loves him so!
I am so very grateful for the opportunity to take care of this sweet little boy and I can’t wait to see how he develops as a little person and to also see the friendship between he and his sister.
I love my babies!