How fast 5 months fly by! I realize this second go round that I only have so many months with a little infant that I am trying to treasure every moment. I haven’t picked up any books this time trying to figure out where you should be developmentally or what milestone to look forward to next because I am just enjoying you. I know all too well that you will be growing and progressing soon enough. I am so grateful for this precious time I have with you.
You are still such a happy guy! Everyone loves you and comments on how smiley and happy you are. You can roll over both ways now and can scoot pretty far across the room by yourself now. I think we are going to have to go through our place and take away the possible choking hazards to keep you safe. You want so badly to sit up and try every day. You want to so much that you even prefer to eat/nurse sitting up, which is kind of awkward for me :). You have been sleeping in your crib in Lily’s room now for a few weeks and I have been getting so much sleep! You usually sleep from 8:30 to 7 and only wake up around 5 am most nights. Lily loves having the company and doesn’t wake up when you cry most nights. Most of the time I just have to wrap you up and set you down in the crib and you just fall right to sleep. Other times you cry a bit but within minutes you are out. You still love when I sing to you, which makes me very happy!
You love to laugh your little brains out! Your sister just has to look at you and you start giggling. She tickles you and makes funny faces and laughs at you and you just laugh right back. The two of you were recently babysat by some friends who said you laughed the whole time we were gone! The young teen in charge had to ask her mom what to do because you needed to go to bed but you wouldn’t stop laughing :). I love those kind of post-babysitting reports! You also recently spent some time with grandma and grandpa Aragon and they said you were a joy as well. The only time you cried was when you were ready for bed and when they had to refill your bottle.
You are such a pleasant kid and I am so happy to be your mom.
On your first trip to the zoo!